Incredible Insights Rasmus!

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Great piece, chat and look forward to more to come - relevant, insightful and concrete.

Fully agree with this comment “ To face these challenges and transform our economy, we must reinvent entire industries and create new ones. Crucially, these transitions must happen at an unprecedented pace and scale…It is about investing in the creation of new, green technologies, innovative business models, and low-carbon infrastructures that are resilient to future shocks.”

It brings and often underestimated and yet transformational element if done right. The acceleration of such transformation and the speed of convergence amongst stakeholders will be enabled and determined by a new wave of effective, trust-based and innovative partnerships and sustainable alliances. The successful development and execution of such cross-sectoral alliances represents itself a challenge and transformational solution across emerging sectors that aim to address today’s societal and environmental challenges (climate tech, sustainable finance, life sciences / health care, supply chains, int’l development, etc)

Kudos again for such a thought provoking piece.

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